Writing for a more general audience; Interviews (selected)
2024. 'Prof. Dr. Ayşe Zarakol: 'Liberal düzen bitti, 17. yy'daki gibi bir düzensizlik dönemi görebiliriz'. Gazete Duvar. 7 Ekim.
2024. '"Belirsizlikler ve Öngörüler": T24 Yıllık Konferansı, 4 panel, 6 sunumla tamamlandı'. T24. 3 Ekim.
2024. 'The Asian World Order'. Aeon.co. [Selected as one of the best of 2024]
2023. 'Prof. Dr. Ayşe Zarakol: "En değişmez şey" diye düşündüğümüz ulus devlet bile kalıcı olmayabilir'. T24 - Cansu Çamlıbel ile Röportaj. 30 Kasım.
2023. On air interview about the Turkish elections. Australian Broadcasting Company. May 15.
2023. 'Turkey's Democratic Resilience'. Project Syndicate. May 11.
(Also published in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian in various newspapers)
(Also published in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian in various newspapers)
2023. 'Akhenaten in Ankara'. LRB Blog. 17 February.
2022. TBS eFM (South Korea). This Morning. On air interview about Turkey's name change. June 20.
2022. Interviewed for: Laura Pitel,'Erdoğan talks Türkiye in bid to end jokes over country’s name', Financial Times. June 10.
2022. Interviewed for: Laura Pitel,'Erdoğan talks Türkiye in bid to end jokes over country’s name', Financial Times. June 10.
2021. 'The Autocrats’ Playbook: Putin’s Russia and Erdogan’s Turkey', The Russia File Podcast. With Maxim Trudolyubov (The Kennan Institute) and Sergei Guriev (Sciences Po Paris). July 22.
2021. 'Can we move beyond a East v. West Politics', DeepDivePolitics Videocast. June 21.
2020. 'Biden's Victory is no Balm for American Exceptionalism', Foreign Policy. November 9.
2020. Interviewed for: Laura Pitel, 'Museum or mosque: Erdogan stokes debate over Hagia Sophia’s future', Financial Times. 3 July.
2020. On air interview (in Turkish). 'Dünya ve Biz' [The World and Us] show hosted by Aydın Selcen. Available on YouTube. 3 June.
2020. Interview (in Turkish): Nida Dinçtürk, 'Doç. Dr. Ayşe Zarakol: Türkiye dış politikası karşısında teoriler yetersiz kalıyor', Gazete Duvar, 11 May.
2020. Interviewed for: Laura Pitel, 'What is behind Erdogan’s coronavirus diplomacy?', Financial Times. April 30.
2019. Medyascope Kültür & Tarih Sohbetleri (158): Dr. Ayşe Zarakol ile “Yenilgiden Sonra”. On air book interview (in Turkish). 30 December.
2019. BBC Radio 4. World News Tonight. On air interview about Turkish municipal elections, 1 April.
2018. 'How the bubble of Western "irrational exuberance" about Turkey was deflated,' talk given at Labour Party Conference, Liverpool, on a panel called “The End of Democracy? The 'New Turkey' and a Region in Flux.” Published by Ahval News in English and Turkish.
2017. 'Теория большого поражения. Как профессор из Кембриджа искала лекарство от стагнации,' ФОКУС, 14 August.
2017. 'What’s next for Turkey? State of the opposition,' State of the Left, 21 May.
2017. 'When Yes Means No,' London Review of Books Blog, April 19.
2016. 'Turkey and Russia, Erdoğan and Putin,' PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 433, IERES, George Washington University.
2016. 'Turkey through the Looking Glass', London Review of Books Blog, August 3.
Republished in Norwegian in the daily newspaper Klassekampen.
Republished in Norwegian in the daily newspaper Klassekampen.
2016. 'The Failed Coup Attempt in Turkey: What We Know So Far', PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 433, IERES, George Washington University.
2016. 'Interview with Dr. Ayşe Zarakol on IR discipline in Turkey and beyond', Changing Turkey in a Changing World, August 5. [Interviewed by Umut Can Adisonmez].
2016. 'Tror ikke Erdogan bryter flyktningavtalen med EU', Aftenposten, June 6. [Interviewed by Alf Ole Ask about Turkish politics].
2015. 'Eşitlik Rüyası ile hoşgörü rüyası çelişki içinde', Şalom, May 27. [Interviewed by Karel Valensi].
2015. (with Zeynep Gülşah Çapan). ‘The European Gaze and the EISA Asylum Seekers Campaign’, blog post on The Disorder of Things.
Translated and published in Turkish on the Birikim Dergisi website.
Translated and published in Turkish on the Birikim Dergisi website.
2013. 'Russia in a Sea of Rising Powers: The View from Washington, D.C.', Ponars Eurasia Policy Memo No. 263, IERES, George Washington University.
Republished in Russian as 'Россия на фоне "растущих держав": Взгляд из Вашингтона', ЭХО Москвы, 21 августа 2013.
2012. 'Turkey, Russia, and the Arab Spring', PONARS Eurasia Tartu Policy Conference Proceedings, no. 207, IERES, George Washington University.
2011. 'Turkish Foreign Policy in the AKP’s Third Term', PONARS Eurasia Annual Policy Conference Proceedings, no. 189, IERES, George Washington University.