PhD, Postdoc and Visiting Scholar Supervision
When I have availability, I am generally open to supervising projects
I am also open to supporting postdoc projects and visiting scholars at POLIS if there is a match between our research interests, but I need to be given notice well in advance of the application deadline. Due to time constraints I am unable to give detailed feedback on such applications beyond reviewing them for fit; the candidate should inquire with the understanding that they will be responsible for putting together their own materials. I can only provide a reference for complete applications and I cannot take any co-PI roles.
- with a historical approach to IR and which focus on (some aspect of) the evolution of international order(s) and the modern state, especially if the focus is on non-Western regions;
- that aim to develop non-Eurocentric genealogies and/or histories of modern concepts such as sovereignty, state, nationalism, terrorism etc;
- focused on the relationship between foreign policy, social status, stigmatisation, ontological security, historical trauma, collective memory etc.;
- conceptualising some aspect of hierarchies in world politics.
I am also open to supporting postdoc projects and visiting scholars at POLIS if there is a match between our research interests, but I need to be given notice well in advance of the application deadline. Due to time constraints I am unable to give detailed feedback on such applications beyond reviewing them for fit; the candidate should inquire with the understanding that they will be responsible for putting together their own materials. I can only provide a reference for complete applications and I cannot take any co-PI roles.
Current PhD students (As primary)
- Anni Hjermann (expected finish 2024/5)
- Martin Hirsch (expected finish 2024/5)
Graduated PhD Students (As primary)
- Peera Charoenvattanakul (2014-2018) --> Thammasat University, Thailand (p)
- Dylan Ming Loh (2015 - 2019) --> NTU, Singapore (p)
- Jaakko Heiskanen (2016 - 2020) --> Leverhulme (Cambridge), Queen Mary London (p)
- Lucas de Oliveira Paes (2017 - 2020) --> NUPI, Norway (p)
- Hakan Sandal - Wilson (2016 - 2020 [Gender Studies]) --> LSE Sociology Fellow
- Liang Anya Ce (2017 - 2022) --> Consultancy
- Marie Prum (2017 - 2022) --> Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Jane Darby Menton (2018 - 2023) --> UC - Berkeley postdoc
- Col. Will Strickland (2020 - 2023) --> Back to the British Army
(p) = Permanent academic position
Visiting PhD Students
- Paul Beaumont (2019) - Norway
- Zeger Verleye (2023) - Belgium
Postdoc/Visiting Scholars
- Dr Joseph Leigh (2021-2) - UK
- Dr Pal Roren (2022-4) - Denmark
- Dr Elise Rousseau (2022-4) - Belgium
- Dr Kubilay Atık (2023-4) - Turkey